The 10 most voted Actresses of Turkish TV Series 2023
In 2023, we have identified the 10 actresses that received the most votes in the polls on our website. Here you can see how many votes actresses received in total and their average monthly votes. Are your favorite actresses in the list? Here is our list from last to first!!!
10. Yağmur Yüksel (Kan Çiçekleri) – Total Votes:13053 – Votes per month:1187
9. Cansu Tosun (Kirli Sepeti) – Total Votes:15441 – Votes per month:5147
8. Özge Yağız (Safir) – Total Votes:16541 – Votes per month:4135
7. Mahassine Merabet (Esaret) – Total Votes:17209 – Votes per month:1565
6. Elçin Sangu (Çöp Adam) – Total Votes:23036 – Votes per month:2880
5. Müjde Uzman (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – Total Votes:23381 – Votes per month:2598
4. Evrim Alasya (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – Total Votes:29815 – Votes per month:3313
3. Hazal Subaşı (Kasaba Doktoru/Dilek Taşı) – Total Votes:33455 – Votes per month:6691
2. Nanuka Stambolishvili (Emanet) – Total Votes:119748 – Votes per month:9979
1. Sıla Türkoğlu (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – Total Votes:250497 – Votes per month:25050