Which one is the Best Couple (or ship) on Turkish Tv Series 2020?
These are our candidates: Acelya-Demir (Mucize Doktor), Adem-Yasemin (Yeni Hayat), Akif-Zeynep (Ogretmen), Ali-Nazli (Mucize Doktor), Arif-Bahar (Kadin), Ayse-Kerem (Afili Ask), Azer-Karaca (Cukur), Aziz-Feride (Vuslat), Cenk-Cemre (Zalim Istanbul), Defne-Omer (Benim Adim Melek), Efsun-Yamac (Cukur), Ender-Kaya (Yasak Elma), Ferhat-Sirin (Ferhat ile Sirin), Firuze-Ayaz (Zemheri), Hakan-Zeynep (Hakan Muhafiz), ipek-Ates (Hekimoglu), Kuzey-Yildiz (Kuzey Yildizi ilk Ask), Miran-Reyyan (Hercai), Nare-Gediz (Sefirin Kizi), Nare-Sancar (Sefirin Kizi), Nedim-Cemre (Zalim Istanbul), Nehir-Yamac (Cukur), Ramo-Sibel (Ramo), Reyhan-Emir (Yemin), Serhat-Zumrut (Zumruduanka), Yildiz-Kerim (Yasak Elma), Zeynep-Mehdi (Dogdugun Ev Kaderindir), Zuluf-Kenan (Guvercin).
Choose your favourite one and vote! You can vote only once in 24 hours.
This poll has been closed.
Sefirin-Kizi Nare & Sancar ??????
Osman – Bala ( Kuruluş Osman)
Nare ♥️ Sancar
Yemin (reyhan -emir)
The best couples: SANCAR- NARE. For ever Engin Akyurek!!
Rehan and emir
Nehir – yamaç
Nare y sancar sefirinkizi
Zeynep & Mhedi,, they have a strong chemistry,
Bay Yalis la mejor novela o hay otra k la iguales
Azer &karaca
Çok zor
Gediz Nare
Azer karaca??
Cenk ve cemre ❤️❤️😘
Azer & karace
Çok zor
Azkar ??com
Raham rayan miran
Love you Nedim ve Cemre
Osman – Bala ( Kuruluş Osman)
Love you Gediz Nare
Gediz Nare
Nare Gediz
Hi just cemre and nidem if you are a true lover please choose cemre and nidem because we saw a lot of love story but cemre and nidem lovestory is deferinte from every one
Cenedm forever ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤cemre nidem
Mehdi and Zeynep
Afili Aşk Ayker?☹️
Zeynep ve Mehdi ??
Hercai Reyyan ve miran??? sizi çok seviyorum
Akinosu Akin & Shahin Ebru
Ramo, Ramo ve sibel
Ramo,Ramo -sibel
Reyyan & Miran love is the best single couple that can touch our hearts.
Ramo & sibel are the best
Nare ♥️ Sancar
Hercai miran & reyyan😍😍😍😍
Only Narsan…
Cencem(Cenk ve cemre) for ever. I love cencem ♥️♥️😍
Sancar and Nare ❤??
Sefirin Kizi !
Sancar & Nare – Sefirin Kizi
Efyam efsun yamaç çukur
çukur’s Efsun & Yamaç ? EfYam ??
nehyam ????????????????????????????????????❤??????????
nehyam nehir ? yama
Reyhan ve Emir
EfYam ????
Nehir – Yamaç ????
Efsun ? Yamac . EFYAM forver ??????
Efsun and Yamac forever ❣❣❣❣❣❣ Efyam ?????????
Efyam forever ????
EfsunYamaç is definitely the most unique Turkish couple I’ve ever seen ! unparalleled chemistry, mind-blowing skilled actors/partners and the most detailed, well-written and exceptional love story ever made this couple the Banger killer of this year !! that’s why that even tho they’re the newest in the list, being couple just for 5 episodes, they’ve got attract a lot ppl in their fandom ! They are just amazing ???
EfYam forever ???
Nare &sancar
Engin akurek
Sefirin kizi
Nare Sancar(NarSan)sefirinkizi
Sibel y Ramo
Tabiki CenCem ❤️
#Nehyam forever ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nehyam the best ✌✌✌✌✌✌✋
Nehir yamaç
i love Cenc and Ceren in zalim istanbul
Efsun Yamac are the best ? Efyam forever ?
Emir ?Reyhan ❤️❤️❤️
Emir -Reyhan
Reyhan-Emir ?
Rehan and emir
Nare Sancar(NarSan)sefirinkizi
Sancar and Nare ?
Sifiri kizi Nare y Sancay❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bay yanlis ❤️❤️❤️❤️????????
Really they are Great!!!LOVE them♥️???
Efsun & Yamaç
The Best couple #Özgür & #Ezgi from #BayYanlış
Bay Yanlış, Özgür&Ezgi, #CanYaman y #OzgeGürel The Best♥️♥️???
Ezgi-Özgür (Bay Yanlış)
Ezgi-Ozgur(Bay Yanlis)
Efsun Yamaççç❤️❤️❤️❤️
#Nare and #Sancar ❤️
BAY YANLIS la mejor serie de comedia hasta ahora por su frescura y divertida. Me reí mucho 😍😍
Can yaman es mi favorito y buen actor mejor del mundo
IBO and Demet are connected in heart and soul.
Voto per Ezgi-Ozgur adoro tutti due bellissimi e bravissimi
Voto per Ezgi-Ozgur adoro tutti due
Bay Yanliş Ezgi Özgür es la mejor pareja dinámica y divertida los adoro
özgür ezgi #BayYanlış #CANYAMAN #ÖzgeGürel
Voto a Bay Yanlis (Enzi y Ozgur)
Emir -Reyhan Великолепные сильные актеры ЛУЧШИЕ
Ezgi e Özgür o melhor casal e #BayYanlış a melhor série de verão
Bay Yanlis
Özgür y ezgui bay yanlış
BayYanlış la mejor serie
Zeynep & Mhedi,, son la mejor y más romántica pareja. Excelentes!!!!
Can Yaman y ÖzgeGürel! Entendimiento y compenetración maravillosa entre los dos. Escenas de amor reales, ya tocaba! Me enamoran los dos!!
Can y Özge , Bay Yanlis, la pareja perfecta, en la serie perfecta.
Наре и Санджар
Ezgi a Ozgur
BayYanlış özgürAtasöy ezgiInaI Ezgür ezgi özgür BayYanlış
Eda – Sarkan❤️❤️
Еlcin Sangu & Ozan Dolunay – “Iyi Gunde Kotu Gunde”
Eda & Serkan
Bay Yanlis, ingiustamente ANNULLATA, dall’INVIDIA, MALE, dei “lavori speciali” di un VULGAR, ORDINARIO, NON ATTRICE, ma che ha molto potere sul produttore, che la IMPOSTA sulla serie, che tra l’altro TUTTE SONO STREGHE.
Sancar y Mavi porque los quitaron si iban en los primeros lugares ? La Nare abandono la serie, y además NO tiene química con Sancar
Seher e yaman
Seher e yaman são os melhores
Seher e yaman
Seher e yaman, são melhores e admiráveis ❤️
Ibrahim Çelikkol, lascio la serie, non ha logica che questo come Zeynep-Mehdi (Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir)
Eda y serkan