The Best Couples on Turkish Tv Series October 2021

The Best Couples on Turkish Tv Series October 2021



Which one is the Best Couple (or ship) on Turkish Tv Series October 2021?

These are our candidates: Ada-Bora (Baht Oyunu), Asiye-Doruk (Kardeşlerim), Ayşe-Ferit (Kalp Yarası), Ceylin-Ilgaz (Yargı), Deniz-Mehmet (Yalancı), Dilek-Taner (Gönül Dağı), Emir-Gülperi (Yemin), Esra-Ozan (Aşk Mantık İntikam), Gülben-Esat (Masumlar Apartmanı), Gülfem-Davut (Kanunsuz Topraklar), Havva-Adam (İçimizden Biri), Haziran-Poyraz (Ada Masalı), Nalan-Sedat (Camdaki Kız), Neva-Alp (İkimizin Sırrı), Seher-Yaman (Emanet), ağmur-Akgün (Son Yaz), Yıldız-Çağatay (Yasak Elma), Zehra-Serdar (Teşkilat).

Choose your favourite one and vote! You can vote only once in 24 hours.

End Date of Poll: 01 November 2021

This poll has been closed.

The Best Couples on Turkish Tv Series October 2021


    21 thoughts on “The Best Couples on Turkish Tv Series October 2021

    1. Я смотрела много турецких сериалов где играют много знаменитые актёры. Но сериал Доверенное что-то другое.Он стал самым популярным сериалом благодаря Халилу Ибрагиму Джейхану и Силе Туркоглу. Халил мало говорит,но в основном он играет взглядом, глазами, даже морщинами на лбу,складками между бровей, ярость, гнев, одновременно нежность и любовь в его глазах глубоко проникает в душу зрителя, он живёт своей ролью,как будто мы смотрим историю его жизни.Он настоящий бриллиант, яркая “полярная звезда” ,который появился на небосводе турецкой киноматографии.Если к этому добавить ещё его красивую внешность, аттлетическое телосложение, взгляд, который с ума сводит зрителей,харизматичность,то многие согласятся со мной, что Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan должен быть на первом месте.Добавлю ещё, что Sila Turkogly ничем не отстаёт от Халила своей естественной игрой, красотой.

      I watched a lot of Turkish TV shows where a lot of famous actors play.
      But the “Emanet” series is something different. It became the most popular series thanks to Khalil Ibrahim Ceyhan and Sila Turkoglu.
      Khalil speaks little, but basically he plays with his gaze, eyes, even wrinkles on his forehead, folds between his eyebrows, rage, anger, at the same time tenderness and love in his eyes penetrates deeply into the soul of the viewer, he lives his role, as if we are watching his story
      life. He is a real diamond, a bright “polar star”, which appeared in the firmament of Turkish cinematography. If you add to this his handsome appearance, athletic build, look that drives the audience crazy, charisma,then many will agree with me that Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan should be in the first place.
      I will add that Sila Turkogly is in no way lagging behind Khalil with her natural play and beauty.

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