The Best Tv Series of İbrahim Çelikkol



Which one is the Best Tv Series of İbrahim Çelikkol?

İbrahim Çelikkol: İbrahim Çelikkol (born February 14, 1982) is a Turkish TV Series and film actor, former basketball player and fashion model. His maternal family is Pomak origin who immigrated from Thessaloniki, Greece. He worked as a professional model before he started acting. When he met Osman Sınav, a Turkish film producer, he started acting. His first part was Şamil in Pars: Narkoterör. He played Ferhat in Siyah Beyaz Aşk. Wikipedia

We choose the Best Tv Series İbrahim Çelikkol has acted in. You can vote only once in 24 hours.

The Best Tv Series of İbrahim Çelikkol


9 thoughts on “The Best Tv Series of İbrahim Çelikkol

  1. Voted for SBA. It was a unique series!
    He was a nobody before that show with the great cast got aired. After that show, ppl barely remember his name. Sad

    1. Now he no longer looks or act like the man who was Ferhat. Got disappointed with his other shows. Dunno what happened to him, he is no longer himself.

  2. La serie que más se comenta y que terminó de emitirse en junio del 2018 y hasta ahora se habla y cada día la ven las que no la habían visto y al igual que yo nos convertimos en adictas a la mejor serie #SıyakBeyazAsk con İbrahim Çelikkol y Birce

  3. Love Ibrahim Celikkol Kordugum and Merhamet but Merhamet catured my heart both Oguz Namal and Ibrahim Celikkol acted so so well.I just wished the series didn’t end the way it did it broke my heart into many pieces for months it took me so long to get over the ending.I am hoping for season 4 even though it ended few years ago.Both Ibrahim and Oguz should act again together.i will be waiting for a new movie or series with them together.

  4. Amo la novela amor en blanco y negro para mí es la mejor novela del mundo entro la mejor novela gue aber podido ver en toda mi vida y la mejor pareja Ferhat aslan y asli çinar aslan 💯💯💯💯❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘 😘😘
    ibrahim çelikkol y birce akalay siempre los mejores siempre unicos y muy muy especiales y siempre y para siempre INIGUALANILES los amo con todo mi corazón y todo mi ser

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